Em 1966, eu estava no Estados Unidos. Fiz especialização em língua Inglesa e fui professor, isto é, Portuguese language instructor, em dois projetos do Corpo da Paz para o Brazil. Abaixo, a foto registra a nossa presença juntamente com voluntários da paz, meus alunos de língua Portuguesa, no Aeroporto Internacional Kennedy, em Nova York, prontos para embarcar com destino ao Rio de Janeiro.
Líderes, ex-voluntários americanos, que serviram no Brasil, durante três anos, de 1966 a 1969, estão preparando em evento internacional, a ser realizado em 2016, para comemorar o cinquentenário da memorável experiência, reunindo todo o grupo e o corpo docente. Eu estarei presente com minha esposa.
A seguir, alguns detalhes que já me foram enviados sobre a movimentação que se operacionaliza para materializar o mencionado evento.
Pedro Borges dos Anjos
Former Portuguese Language Instructor
Peace Corps, School For International Training
Brattleboro, Vermont, USA.
As I remember, there were two planes used. The attached photo, with Pedro Borges located on the far right
side, is of the group which was booked on Pan Am. The remainder,
including us, took Varig, now out of business. Looking forward to
receiving the other material.
P.S. - These emails are being forwarded to Pedro and the entire group.
P.S. - These emails are being forwarded to Pedro and the entire group.
Original Message
From: Rich Wagner
Sent: Fri, Apr 18, 2014 11:58 pm
Subject: Re: Acorde-se
This all really
is pretty unbelievable… So, as a start of the flow of photos and other PC
stuff, here is the photo of some of our group as we were are our way from
Kennedy Airport to Rio…. Pedro is at the lower right…. Where were we?
Date: Friday, April 18, 2014 at
4:39 PM
To: Microsoft Office User
You will not
believe this. I connected with Pedro. What is the chance of that
ever happening?
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